Mass and Sacraments
Mass – our loving response to the God who has loved us first.
Mass Times
Monday - 8:30 AM
Tuesday - 8:30 AM
Wednesday - 6:45 PM
Thursday - 8:30 AM
Friday - 8:30 AM
Saturday - 5:00 PM
Sunday - 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
Eucharistic Adoration with Exposition
Monday – Wednesday & Friday 8:00 AM
Holy Day Mass
9:00 AM & 7:00 PM (times may vary, check weekly bulletin)
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Wednesday 6:00 PM to 6:40 PM
Need a different time? Contact Father Kevin at 859.214.0004 or
The Sacraments
The Sacrament of Baptism
It’s Catholic custom that parents have their child baptized as soon as possible after birth. To prepare for this important step for their child, parents will attend a preparation session before their first child is baptized. Contact us to arrange this meeting.
Adults who are interested in the Catholic faith should contact us for further information about Baptism.
The Sacrament of Holy Eucharist
Adults who have been baptized in the Catholic Church and who have had no other catechesis will attend a series of classes before receiving Holy Eucharist for the first time. Contact us for more information
Children are prepared in their religion classes either through School or PREP.
A child who has been baptized in the Catholic faith but has had no catechesis since Baptism will need special classes before receiving First Holy Communion. The child will also need catechesis for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which in the Diocese of Covington is to be received before First Communion.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
Adults, who have never been confirmed, will attend a series of preparatory classes at the parish. Confirmation for adults is held once a year in the Diocese of Covington on Pentecost Sunday at the Cathedral. You will need to contact the parish office 6 weeks prior to Confirmation, around Easter, to arrange for Confirmation preparation sessions.
Confirmation completes initiation into the Catholic faith. Because of this, Confirmation needs to be received before one is married and before one can be a godparent for Baptism or a sponsor for Confirmation. Also one must be confirmed before participating in the ministry of Lector or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
The Sacrament of Matrimony
It is necessary for a Catholic to be married in the presence of a priest. Choosing not to do this deprives one of receiving the other sacraments until the married is rectified. A person is always welcome to come to Mass but cannot receive Holy Communion if married outside the Church.
If you are intending to marry, you will need to contact the Parish Office at least 12 months before your intended wedding date to make arrangements.
The Diocesan Website has other important information for those considering matrimony.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
This sacrament is offered each Saturday before the Saturday evening Mass. You can also schedule a time by contacting Father Kevin at 859.214.0004 or
The Sacrament of Anointing
of the Sick
Contact Us to schedule this sacrament at home, in the hospital or prior to a surgical procedure. In case of emergency contact Father Kevin at 859.214.0004.
Home Visits
To schedule a home visit for receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, or Holy Communion, as well as a Home Blessing Contact Us.
For Vocation Information – Holy Orders or Religious Life
Discerning a vocation to the Diocesan priesthood, contact Fr. Conor Kunath at 859.392.1566 or
Discerning a vocation to Religious Life, contact Sr. Leslie Keener, CDP at 859.441.0700 ex. 22 or